Contact Information:
Direct: (+852) 2152 2238
Wechat: winniewanhoilam
Email: winnie.wan@aogb.com
Address: Suite 2501-03, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Winnie H.L. Wan
(CPA (Australia))
Winnie is currently the assurance partner of AOGB Professional Services Group, which provides a range of professional services including accounting, auditing, business consulting, capital raising, information technology advisory, regulatory compliance, and taxation, etc.
Prior to joining AOGB, Winnie has been working in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu China, an international Big 4 firm, over 11 years and gained invaluable extensive experience in handling auditing, merger and acquisitions, IPO preparation, cross border capital fund raising exercise and internal control evaluation.
She has served more than 20 mega sized enterprises such as state owned enterprises with RMB 200 billion net assets value, listed entities under Mainboard / GEM Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong with principal business operations in Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China or overseas jurisdictions such as Australia, Canada and Singapore.
She has in-depth knowledge covering Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and Listing Rules.
Winnie has served clients in different industries such as real estate, life science, construction, manufacturing and trading, property management and restaurant operations.
Winnie completed her bachelor degree in Australia and she is a member of CPA Australia.